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Tactile, Incisive Games

for the wonderstruck and whimsical

Graftbound makes games that are delightful to own and hold, telling stories that are rooted in place and bold in their choices.

Bonds Between is live on Kickstarter!

We are so excited to collaborate with BrightBard Games this February for Zine Month on a duet card altering RPG about neighboring dragons. You can head to the Kickstarter page right now to help us fund our first print run. 

The Peddler's Prize

Create an inventory of oddities, the peddler who sells them, and a guide for which factions have the most sway over the market, all wrapped up for use in another game, setting, or story.

Precious Things

Precious Things is a one-page RPG about tiny dragons building cozy hoards.

Your ancestors were colossal dragons with mountains of gold and earth-shaking magic. You are their proud descendants, building a hoard of your own full of magical power. It’s not easy, since you’re under two feet long.

A game for 2–5 players and one GM that takes about an hour and a half to play. Build your tiny dragon and set off on a big adventure!

Help shape the future of Glatisant!

Glatisant is currently an ashcan release, which means future versions of the game may come in a different format as players test the game and its story.

If you’ve played Glatisant, share your experience and help make the game better for future players.

If you haven’t and you’d like to, check out the game in our shop.

Who We Are

Graftbound is a small press that designs and publishes games and zines. We believe that art becomes art when a viewer gives their attention to it.

Lucas Zellers

Lucas is our game designer and writer. He is known for his work on Book of Extinction (Mage Hand Press), and Precious Things (Wet Ink Games).

He loves writing about ecology and showing people how they are connected to each other and the greater world around them. 

Emily Entner

Emily is our graphic designer and sometimes bookbinder. She is known for her work on Cryptid Creeks (Hatchlings Games) and I Crave the Loop (BrightBard Games).

She loves to design with the tactile in mind, and to get hands on with paper and the format of books and other stationery.